KENKEN: Train Your Brain

By: Capcom Interactive, Inc.
Release Date: July 15, 2009
Price: $4.99
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KENKEN: Train Your Brain is a grid based puzzle game similar to sudoku. Players must place the numbers is the correct spots, using each number once in each row and once in each column. The difference lies in the 'cages'. A number and a mathematical operator appear in each cage, which is defined by dark outlines. For example, a cage has 3+ in the corner. The numbers in that cage, when added together, must equal three. This provides an extra layer of depth to sudoku.

Title ScreenA good strategy is to start with the one-square cages. The number in the corner has to be the right one.Harder levels mean bigger grids, more numbers, and core complicated operators.

KENKEN: Train Your Brain's price tag of $4.99 is a little steep, but is expected from a major developer like Capcom. The production values are higher than your average app. For those not willing to pay, the Lite Version can be found here. The amount of puzzles in the lite version are adequate. Spending the money gets you many more, though. The paid version also gets you the Academy, which advances your rank and unlocks more puzzles. I will give KENKEN: Train Your Brain a 7 out of 10.


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