Word Tower Lite

By: Little Red Bike Media
Site: http://wordtower.me/
Release Date: June 13, 2009
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Word Tower Lite is a mashup of Scrabble and Tetris. The game begins with the screen partially full of random letters. Players must place the falling letters in the desired places to make words, then trace through the created words with their finger to get the points and make the words disappear.


Tirle ScreenDrag the falling letters to place them.
Draw a path through the words you create.Star letters triple the words value. Watch out for ice blocks.

Later levels introduce the star blocks, which net the player triple points, and the snow flakes. If the player fails to shake their iDevice while the snowflake is falling, the snowflake will turn into an ice block, which will remain frozen, blocking progress until the end of the level. If they do shake the device, then the letters are randomly rearranged. The level ends then the player can get the key and the keyhole, which spawn at the end of the level, to touch. I will give Word Tower Lite a 6 out of 10.


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